We’re cheering for your family!
Raising a family these days isn’t easy, but we’re passionate about helping families win! Whatever your story, we gathered these resources together to support your family. We can’t wait to cheer you on!   
Resources for your family
52-week Family Planner – This amazing weekly planner can help your family get organized and get better every week.

Five messages that your child needs to hear – Learn from what experts have found to be the essential words that comfort and encourage our kids.
Mend your Marriage For those of you who are married, we gathered a ton of great resources on  this webpage. If there’s anything we can do to cheer you on in your marriage (or to help you recover and rebuild after the loss of a spouse), please let us know! 
Parent Cue website | This site offers fantastic tools and resources for parents.  

SPOIL YOUR KIDS!  This powerful article about how to S.P.O.I.L. your children through five key steps that aim to build physical and emotional health. Rather than overuse screens, this framework provides a helpful list of ingredients for structuring screen-free, health-building time for your kiddos. Read it here.

Finding Meaning at Work | Many of us who have jobs struggle to find joy and meaning in our labor, and this PDF aims to help you identify ways to build your satisfaction in either your current job or a new one.  

Parenting in a hectic world – This PDF shares four, weekly devotional reflections that draw wisdom from the Bible for raising healthy kids, along with space to journal and reflect on your next steps. 

How to deal with Anxiety (video) – Watch this message from Surprise Church’s Pastor Matt about how to reduce and deal with anxiety in our lives. We’re not doomed to fear if we can learn how to manage our thoughts, focus on gratitude, and pray through out challenges by building a “stress sandwich.” (That will make sense by the end of the video, we promise!).  

Teaching Your Kids about Money – Tips for talking and training your kids to manage money, so that they can enjoy financial freedom down the road! 

Family Summer Bucket List! – Summer goes too fast, and sometimes we need help finding good ideas for making memories. Pick from a ton of great ideas for how to have fun with your family this summer.
Do You Have a Summer Rhythm? This article outlines one parent’s approach to breaking summer down into a series of chapters or rhythms.